Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Landon

Landon made his arrival on Thursday via C-section. He weighed in at 8 lbs and was 18 1/2 inches long. He had a little bit of a rough road at first. He was in the level 2 nursery for about 4 hours while they were trying to get his temperature and blood pressure stable. He was also having some breathing problems because his lungs were moist. They gave him some oxygen (c-pap) and monitored his blood pressure. By 2 PM, he was in his mother's arms and was doing great. They had to give him some IV fluids and the IV was in his head and so he wore his little cap for a while until they removed that.

Mallory is doing well. She's sore but is in good health. The girls love their new little brother. Sydney has that big sister look and is quite curious about the whole breastfeeding thing. Lexi didn't even want to hold him nor touch him for the last few days but then asked to hold him last night. Her dethronement process is a little bit painful for her right now.

Here are few pictures to enjoy. More are on the way.


Unknown said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful family. I am so happy for you all! Please give my love to Mallory and kiss the kids for me.


Mrs. Misses said...

Congrats! I have been thinking about you guys EVERY DAY, just wondering how things are going and if he had come to our Green family party yet. Hooray!! Bring the girls over any T, F or Sa and drop them off!. We will make a day of it so you guys can get a bit of a break. Cam will be THRILLED! Just let me know when!! Happy Birthday Landon!

Laurie said...

Congratulations, Kevin and Mallory! What a beautiful family you have.

Laurie Gardner

Unknown said...

Dear Kevin and Mallory, Congratulations!! I'm glad that everything worked out well and that Landon is healthy and well on his way! Enjoy these special days.
Take care, Hal

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Kevin and Mallory! I've been thinking about you and the girls. It's wonderful to know that Landon has joined this lovely family.

