Friday, July 18, 2008

Parenting and Gender

Many parents have commented on how different it is to parent a boy versus a girl. I'm not sure that I've noticed these differences yet but I can say that the whole diaper changing experience has been a unique one. Landon has managed to pee all over his changing table and all over our bed several times already. If this is one of those gender differences, then I am definitely in for some big changes.

Here are few more pictures of our little Landon. The family picture is our family at Sydney's dance recital in June, two weeks before Landon was born.


Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures Kevin. So fun! I wish I could be there to munch on them all.

Joanne said...

Congratulations! Didn't even know Mallory was pregnant. A son how fun! We had lots of peeing during diaper changes!! Here's my advise, (from the mother of 4 sons!) When you get to the potty training stage teach him to pee sitting down and never let him stand up!! Of course he will see his fathers example sooner or later, so I suggest you begin to sit too!!! It makes cleaning the bathroom so much easier!! Congrats again, we are so happy for your family. Come visit us sometime!!

Mrs. Misses said...

He sure looks like Mallory! What a cutie! Can't wait to come and see him. Cam continuously talks about playing with Syd and Lexi. We will probably come out with my mom and dad next weekend.